3 Reasons why enterprises hesitate to adopt AI in mobile app development in Dubai

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The gap between artificial intelligence (AI) and its adoption is rising and it has become a prominent topic to debate. However, there is enough evidence showing AI technology make promises to benefit automation, efficiency, personalization, productivity, among other primary business concerns. Still, there is a widespread confusion slowing down the adoption of the application of data-driven business models.

Apart from massive investments in AI, the technology requires a large-scale commercial support. Mobile apps are one of the most favorable areas for the revolution in AI, but businesses cannot seem to look beyond the probable challenges. Here are three reasons that make you enable to comprehend why the firms neglect AI adoption in mobile app development in Dubai:

Undecided business case

As a convincing business case hangs in the balance so numerous organizations show on interest in the adoption of AI. According to a Narrative Science survey done in 2016, there is haze surrounding the adoption of AI. In the report, 20% accepted the uncertainty about the value position of AI as the main reason for not applying this technology.

Lack of understanding

AI is a broad term that lacks a commonly exclusive classification of human-like intelligence. The AI framework increasingly becomes clouded when applications intertwine several technologies to address particular problems. The companies offering services for mobile app development in UAE have lack of employees with the required skill sets and some app developers find it hard to keep them abreast with changing trends in AI.

No Shortcuts

The adopters like Amazon, Google, Apple of AI in the beginning all share several common things:

  • They are already investing in technologies like cloud computing and big data at a larger scale.
  • Big companies invest in AI faster in comparison with smaller counterparts.
  • AI adopters invest in several AI tools that complement digital transformation instead of focusing the one tool.
  • AI-driven innovation get motivated by probable growth rather than downsizing costs.

In brief, the companies that have successfully adopted the technology are fully committed to advance their AI infrastructure. As there is no shortcuts in the adoption of an AI model, so the firms of mobile app development in Dubai hesitate to adopt this technology while developing mobile applications for you.